You're Invited! 🎄 Little Village Holiday Preview December 15, 2022Abigail Gilman We're thrilled to invite you in for a Holiday Preview! We'll be opening our doors for the very first time to share a sneak peek of our space and welcome you...
An Update About our Opening Date September 06, 2022Abigail Gilman i'm not going to lie. this is a hard post to share... 💙 despite our hustle & enthusiasm to open our doors to the little village play cafe this fall,...
A Sneak Peek Inside The Little Village Play Cafe August 04, 2022Abigail Gilman Architect renderings, released!
Oh, BTW... Baby 3 is On The Way July 19, 2022Abigail Gilman Cheers to embracing seemingly impossible things. ✨Â